Principle Investigator

Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences (腦與心智科學研究所)
College of Medicine
National Taiwan University
Rm: 1236, 12th Floor, No.1, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Rd., Taipei 100233, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-2312-3456 ext. 288876 (O); 288877 (L)
Fax: 886-2-2322-4814
Email address:
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2657-3635
Ph.D. (Neuroscience), University of Massachusetts Medical School, U.S.A.
M.S. (Biochemistry), National Taiwan University, Taiwan
B.S. (Pharmacy), Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Work experience:
Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.
Research Assistant, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Military Instructor, Army Logistics School, Taiwan
Honors and Awards:
"Newly Approved Integrated Research Grants in Health and Medical Sciences" for 3 times (國家衛生研究院頒獎表揚執行整合性醫藥衛生科技計畫經補助三次(含)以上)
Innovative Research Grant (NHRI)(國衛院)(2nd time)
Professor Chen-Yuan Lee Medical Memorial Award (李鎮源院長紀念醫學獎)(NTU)(台大)
Innovative Research Grant (NHRI)(國衛院)
Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigator Award (NSTC)(國科會)(2nd time)
Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigator Award (NSTC)(國科會)
Career Development Grant (NHRI)(國衛院)
The Young Scholars' Creativity Award (FAOS)(傑出人才基金會)
Outstanding Talents Recruitment Grant (NSTC)(國科會)
Julius Axelrod Lecture Travel Award
UNC Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence
Keystone Symposia Scholarship
NCTraC$50K Award
NCTraC$10K Award
NCTraC$2K Award
Essel Investigator
NARSAD Young Investigator Award